Monday, March 23, 2015

Where will the Ice Caps be, Winnipeg or Thunder Bay?

It was recently announced that the Winnipeg Jets AHL team would be relocating to Winnipeg and, according to GM Kevin Cheveldayoff, he expects it too be a long term relocation. In Thunder Bay, a letter of intent (expiring March 31/2015) was signed, with the AHL team locating here should a proposed new facility be built. Thunder Bay Mayor claims he has been told that should the facility be built, that the AHL team will still be coming here? Makes you wonder if one city is being played for a sucker here? Winnipeg or Thunder Bay?

In March 23 2015 Winnipeg Sun

What about T-Bay?
I have been watching with interest your American Hockey League farm team and their imminent return to Winnipeg. The city of Thunder Bay is proposing to build a new Event Centre. The Mayor of our city states that if we build this new facility your team is moving to Thunder Bay. True North has signed a non-binding letter of intent to move here for the 2017 season if this Event Centre is built. This letter of intent expires on March 31, and as funding is not in place the city will be asking all parties including True North to sign an extension until funding is secured. I am a little confused as GM Ken Cheveldayoff of the Jets has stated that they are going to dig in and make Winnipeg a home that lasts a long time for their AHL team. I am interested to see if True North signs this extension and if Thunder Bay was to move ahead with a new Event Centre will True North sign a binding contract to move their team to Thunder Bay.

Ray Smith, former Director and PR for the Thunder Bay Twins Senior A hockey team.

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